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Start a command prompt (press the Start button and type cmd).




You should see a Windows command window. First, make sure both GIT and Python are installed properly. To do this, type "git --version" and "python --version" in the command prompt window, you should see some output as in the diagram below.




If you have both GIT and Python installed, you are ready for the next step.


In the command window, change the active folder to c:\Users\Public\Vensim\COMP\WASM using the command "cd c:\Users\Public\Vensim\COMP\WASM". You can now run the batch file "install_emscripten_sdk_windows.bat" in the command prompt window. This will download the Emscripten SDK for you. If it works, you should see the following in the command prompt window.




C:\Users\Public\Vensim\COMP\WASM>git clone

Cloning into 'emsdk'...

remote: Enumerating objects: 15, done.

remote: Counting objects: 100% (15/15), done.

remote: Compressing objects: 100% (13/13), done.

remote: Total 1866 (delta 4), reused 4 (delta 1), pack-reused 1851

Receiving objects: 100% (1866/1866), 1.02 MiB | 2.45 MiB/s, done.

Resolving deltas: 100% (1181/1181), done.

Enter that directory


C:\Users\Public\Vensim\COMP\WASM>cd emsdk

Fetch the latest version of the emsdk (not needed the first time you clone)


C:\Users\Public\Vensim\COMP\WASM\emsdk>git pull

Already up to date.

Download and install the latest SDK tools.


C:\Users\Public\Vensim\COMP\WASM\emsdk>call emsdk install latest

Installing SDK 'sdk-releases-upstream-7b3cd38017f7c582cfa3ac24a9f12aa6a8dca51f-64bit'..

Installing tool 'node-12.9.1-64bit'..

Downloading: C:/Users/Public/Vensim/COMP/WASM/emsdk/zips/ from, 35200117 Bytes

Unpacking 'C:/Users/Public/Vensim/COMP/WASM/emsdk/zips/' to 'C:/Users/Public/Vensim/COMP/WASM/emsdk/node/12.9.1_64bit'

Done installing tool 'node-12.9.1-64bit'.

Installing tool 'python-3.7.4-64bit'..

Downloading: C:/Users/Public/Vensim/COMP/WASM/emsdk/zips/ from, 7504212 Bytes

Unpacking 'C:/Users/Public/Vensim/COMP/WASM/emsdk/zips/' to 'C:/Users/Public/Vensim/COMP/WASM/emsdk/python/3.7.4_64bit'

Done installing tool 'python-3.7.4-64bit'.

Installing tool 'java-8.152-64bit'..

Downloading: C:/Users/Public/Vensim/COMP/WASM/emsdk/zips/ from, 69241499 Bytes

Unpacking 'C:/Users/Public/Vensim/COMP/WASM/emsdk/zips/' to 'C:/Users/Public/Vensim/COMP/WASM/emsdk/java/8.152_64bit'

Done installing tool 'java-8.152-64bit'.

Installing tool 'releases-upstream-7b3cd38017f7c582cfa3ac24a9f12aa6a8dca51f-64bit'..

Downloading: C:/Users/Public/Vensim/COMP/WASM/emsdk/zips/ from, 525777712 Bytes

Unpacking 'C:/Users/Public/Vensim/COMP/WASM/emsdk/zips/' to 'C:/Users/Public/Vensim/COMP/WASM/emsdk/upstream'

Done installing tool 'releases-upstream-7b3cd38017f7c582cfa3ac24a9f12aa6a8dca51f-64bit'.

Running post-install step: npm ci ...

Done running: npm ci

Done installing SDK 'sdk-releases-upstream-7b3cd38017f7c582cfa3ac24a9f12aa6a8dca51f-64bit'.

Make the "latest" SDK "active" for the current user. (writes ~/.emscripten file)


C:\Users\Public\Vensim\COMP\WASM\emsdk>call emsdk activate latest

Writing .emscripten configuration file to user home directory C:\Users\Tony/

Backing up old Emscripten configuration file in C:\Users\Tony\.emscripten.old

The Emscripten configuration file C:\Users\Tony\.emscripten has been rewritten with the following contents:


NODE_JS = 'C:/Users/Public/Vensim/COMP/WASM/emsdk/node/12.9.1_64bit/bin/node.exe'

PYTHON = 'C:/Users/Public/Vensim/COMP/WASM/emsdk/python/3.7.4_64bit/python.exe'

JAVA = 'C:/Users/Public/Vensim/COMP/WASM/emsdk/java/8.152_64bit/bin/java.exe'

LLVM_ROOT = 'C:/Users/Public/Vensim/COMP/WASM/emsdk/upstream/bin'

BINARYEN_ROOT = 'C:/Users/Public/Vensim/COMP/WASM/emsdk/upstream'

EMSCRIPTEN_ROOT = 'C:/Users/Public/Vensim/COMP/WASM/emsdk/upstream/emscripten'

TEMP_DIR = 'C:/Users/Tony/AppData/Local/Temp'




Adding directories to PATH:

PATH += C:\Users\Public\Vensim\COMP\WASM\emsdk

PATH += C:\Users\Public\Vensim\COMP\WASM\emsdk\node\12.9.1_64bit\bin

PATH += C:\Users\Public\Vensim\COMP\WASM\emsdk\java\8.152_64bit\bin

PATH += C:\Users\Public\Vensim\COMP\WASM\emsdk\upstream\emscripten


Setting environment variables:

EMSDK = C:/Users/Public/Vensim/COMP/WASM/emsdk

EM_CONFIG = C:\Users\Tony\.emscripten

EMSDK_NODE = C:\Users\Public\Vensim\COMP\WASM\emsdk\node\12.9.1_64bit\bin\node.exe

EMSDK_PYTHON = C:\Users\Public\Vensim\COMP\WASM\emsdk\python\3.7.4_64bit\python.exe

JAVA_HOME = C:\Users\Public\Vensim\COMP\WASM\emsdk\java\8.152_64bit



Set the following tools as active:






The changes made to environment variables only apply to the currently running shell instance. Use the 'emsdk_env.bat' to re-enter this environment later, or if you'd like to permanently register this environment globally to all users in Windows Registry, rerun this command with the option --global.

Activate PATH and other environment variables in the current terminal


C:\Users\Public\Vensim\COMP\WASM\emsdk>call emsdk_env.bat

Setting environment variables:

EMSDK = C:/Users/Public/Vensim/COMP/WASM/emsdk


The Emscripten SDK should now be installed.



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