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Vensim Help

The compiled simulation and external function source files are installed into the same directory.   The file vensim.h is used by both.  The following files relate to compiled simulations:

simext.c - the source code connecting Vensim to the model C equations in mdl.c. simext.c is included in mdl.c and in turn include vensim.h. It contains limited internal documentation.
sim.def - the definition file defining which functions are exported from the created DLL.
vensim.h - an include file required by simext.c defining the different types and structures used in these files.
sim.mak is a make file to aid in tracking problems with compiled simulations.  It can also be used to recompile simext.c but is not convenient to use for creating sim.dll since mdl.c is generated automatically by Vensim.
mdl.bat, mdlorig.bat, mdldp.bat - batch files used to compile mdl.c and create the DLL in support of compiled simulation. mdlorig.bat is kept as a reference if you are changing mdl.bat.